Common faults and treatment methods of PSA nitrogen generator

1. During operation, the large pressure displayed on the meter head can not reach the set value. It is caused by the leakage device. Perform a comprehensive leak detection on the gas circuit, especially the drying room and the battery.
2. Check whether the battery is leaking or broken
3. There is noise during the operation of the instrument
It is the solenoid valve sound: use a 14 wrench to properly adjust the tightness of the nut on the solenoid valve, not too tight; if not, you need to disassemble the solenoid valve to clean the interior (the sound is mainly due to impurities in the solenoid valve internal organs), and return it after cleaning. No, it must be replaced with a new one.
Four, there is gas output when starting up
When the pressure rises just after the start-up, you must press the red delay switch on the front, and then the output pressure will be released from the output and wait for 10 minutes before it can be used.
The above is the most common troubleshooting of PSA nitrogen generator.
